Atlanta Motorcycle Accident Lawyers

Don't Let A Motorcycle Accident Wreck Your Life


Riding a motorcycle offers that fine line between risk and reward. On the one hand, it’s exhilarating to feel the wind rushing as you navigate hills and turns on Peachtree Street. On the other hand, a motorcycle accident in Atlanta could be costly—not just in terms of vehicle repairs but in injuries, too. If you’ve been injured in a motorcycle crash, please call us at 770-LAWSUIT to schedule a complimentary case evaluation with our experienced motorcycle accident attorneys in Atlanta.

This crash came from out of nowhere. What do I do first?


If you’re able, report the crash. Call 911. Let them know where you are. Remain at the scene.


Seek medical attention immediately. Your health is always the most important thing, so please make sure you get checked out. Sometimes we think “I’m ok, I’ll shake it off,” but the truth is, you’ve just experienced a trauma. Whether or not you’re physically, mentally, and emotionally OK in the moment, you might start to feel “off” a couple of days later. Put yourself in the best position for healing and get medical care. If you don’t know who to call, call us and we’ll help you find the right person in your area.


Chances are, you’re not going to be in the place to figure out who’s who and what’s what, but if you can, try to collect information:

a: The driver who hit you—get their information like name, driver’s license number, phone number, insurance company, and policy number.

b: Get out that smartphone and start recording. Take video and pictures of the scene. Everything from the crash area to the vehicles involved to your injuries. Don’t be camera shy right now.

c: Exercise good judgment in what you share. Easy way to remember: Facts are fine; details can be detrimental. Your name and phone number? Great. What you think happened? Nope. You were traveling east on 285? Yes. You were thinking about how late you were to work? Nope. Get it? Facts only. Why? Remember this rule: What you say can be used against you. And insurance companies are experts at asking questions that seem like they care only later to use your statement “I’m fine” against your case.

d: We get that people need to talk about their trauma. If you absolutely need to share your side of the story, record it as a voice memo. You can share that with your attorney later. At the scene is not the time or place to plead your case.

e: Find anyone who may have seen the crash. Ask for permission to record their version and keep that handy in your phone for later. Now, if your phone was damaged in the collision, do what you can to get a name and contact information for any witnesses who may be able to speak to what happened.


Do as directed by your medical providers. One of the things that impedes your healing is not following the regimen for physical therapy. We know it’s expensive in terms of time and money; but that’s a short-term problem. The long-term problem is twofold: one, you don’t have function back and two, your case is negatively impacted.


Keep a journal and track your injuries, symptoms, and progress (even if it’s slow to little) over time. Once the adrenaline wears off, you might be in a world of hurt.


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What kind of injuries might be covered in an Atlanta motorcycle accident personal injury claim?

You may have injuries to your body…and you may have injuries to your psyche. You’ve probably got some lost time from work, and you’re likely incurring expenses for medical treatment. Your motorcycle is most likely in an undesirable (at best) condition, so property damage may also be a concern. You may also require diagnostic tests, medication, therapy, and medical equipment. A part-time or full-time caregiver may have to become involved. All of these might become a part of your personal injury case.


If we’re talking about injuries to your body, we know that these are the most common injuries people sustain when they’re in motorcycle crashes:


Road rash. Asphalt and rocks might become embedded in your skin, which is some kind of awful. You’ve got a better chance of avoiding road rash with protective gear, but it’s not foolproof.


Broken bones. Simple fractures don’t break the skin, compound fractures do. Either way, broken bones can require surgery, take time to heal, and limit mobility and function for “a while.” If you’ve ever broken a bone, you know that the weeks spent in a cast are only the start of adaptations you don’t want to have to make.


Head injuries/traumatic brain injury. These can be tricky because the might show up as mood changes, appetites shifts, or problems with focus and thinking. These mental changes could be temporary or permanent. Remember when we said to get medical attention immediately and record your process? Well, that’s because you’ll establish a baseline for your health with a medical provider and use the journal and/or video to discover any changes that might otherwise be dismissed because they’re not that telling on their own. Taken alone, a change in appetite could be anything; put in context with other symptoms, and it might reveal a brain injury.


Spinal cord injuries. These injuries may be temporary or permanent, resulting in paralysis. You may require medical equipment and help from other people because of these injuries.

Your Atlanta motorcycle accident may cause injuries that are so severe, you’re impacted in your ability to work. If you can’t do your job, you may find yourself unemployed. This financial injury can be devastating on top of the physical and mental tasks required to heal and recover.

Huh. What kind of damages can I recover in my motorcycle claim?

There are a few words you’ll hear in this context, so let’s get you up to speed on our lingo—and what you might be able to recover through a personal injury claim. If the negligence of another driver caused your accident, you may be able to collect:


Economic Damages. One simple rule can help: keep all your receipts. We’re talking about visits to the ER, your doctor, the physical therapist; imaging (X-ray, MRI); lab tests; parking at your appointments; tolls; time you missed at work.


Non-economic Damages. These can be more difficult to quantify—we’re talking about pain and suffering, any inconvenience you’ve endured, emotional distress, loss of companionship, and even loss of enjoyment of life. How do you put a value on those things? Well, the short answer is “it’s complicated.” But we attorneys have our ways, and we’re always in it to do everything we can to help you recover what you need to ensure you’re cared for to the highest degree possible.


Punitive Damages. These are specifically intended as punishment, to deter negligent behavior.

OK, so how do you decide what my case is worth?

Let’s talk about how the insurance company decides what your case is worth first. They’ve got a table of averages that they look at to determine what each type of injury is worth. They’re looking at this is a numbers game, doing what they can to keep their profits as high as possible. What does that mean to you? They’re often throwing out numbers that haven’t taken into account the very individual and specific elements of your case. Short story: they’re looking at profits when they make their offer.


In contrast, we know you’ve got a story that deserves to be heard. Your life has been inconvenienced at the least and turned upside down—changed forever—at the worst. When we’re making a value determination, we’re looking at you directly and listening to your story. Of course, it’s impossible to put a price tag on being the victim of another driver’s negligence, but we compile the facts (actual expenses), consult with educated experts to determine what future care might require, and consider the daily adaptations you require, from physical adjustments at home to psychological changes, to effects within your relationships, to how your occupation has been impacted.


While they’re consulting Excel spreadsheets and averages to put a value on your injuries and recovery, we’re engaging experts to promote your health—body, mind, spirit, and finances. But the only way we can make any determination about the value of your case is to talk with you. So if you’re curious about how we’d approach your case and what our expertise says about its value, call 770-LAWSUIT for a complimentary case evaluation.

Everyone seems so nice through this—like, the insurance company, the other driver—they’re all asking if I’m ok. Can’t I just handle this myself? Why would I hire a lawyer?

Kindness is the greatest currency, isn’t it?


Of course you can handle this yourself. And our clients tell us that they hired us because they felt like we had their interests at heart—we were willing to stand up and fight when others had left them behind. They valued the stress we alleviated and our ability to look out for things they didn’t know they needed to look out for.


For example… insurance companies are great at asking questions that lead you to answer in a specific way. They use those answers to shave a little bit of cash off your case. For example, you wouldn’t think that saying, “I feel great” to the insurance company on a recorded line would come back to bite you. After all, compared with how you felt the day before, “great” is valid. Plus, it’s not like you’re going to start listing all of your aches and pains when asked how you’re feeling today. But time and again, we see insurance companies use tactics like this to devalue your case. Would you rather get caught in their trap or have someone in your corner uniquely qualified to advocate for you?

But aren’t motorcycle accident lawyers expensive?

Here’s the good news: If you hire us, we don’t get paid unless you do. That makes us very invested in influencing an outcome that’s satisfying to you. It also means that we’ll take on the expense of investigations, negotiations, and even a trial before we collect any fees. And we disclose our fees up front so there’s no confusion about your investment in us.

Oh, you mentioned a trial. What if I don’t want that?

Here’s the thing: You’re in control. If we get an offer from the insurance company that you feel is worth accepting, we’ll talk about it together and you’ll have all of the information you need to make a decision. If you don’t feel good about accepting the insurance company’s offer, we’ll discuss what that means and what the next steps might be. So we’re not making decisions without you at any point of the journey. We’re right there with you.

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I think I want to hire an Atlanta motorcycle accident lawyer. What do I look for?

It’s crucial to know who you’re hiring. All of us attorneys (if we’re in good standing with the State Bar of Georgia) have been to law school, passed a test (it’s pretty difficult), and are licensed to practice law. That’s where our similarities end.


Expertise matters. Does the attorney you’re consulting with have experience with cases like yours?


Experience matters. Does the lawyer you’re talking to have years and years of courtroom experience?


Empathy matters. Does the lawyer you’re considering as your advocate seem like they care about you and what you’re going through?


When you’re meeting with someone you don’t know, especially a lawyer who’s going to represent your interests and fight for your future, pay attention to your gut. Do you get the sense that this lawyer is sincere and someone who will stand by you?


How’s your rapport with your lawyer? Does conversation come easily between you? Do you understand what he or she is sharing with you? That’s such a key skill, as your lawyer is often going to speak on your behalf. Imagine you’re in a courtroom and they’re arguing your case in front of a jury. Do you think your peers would be able to understand what your lawyer is saying?

So listen, my loved one was in a fatal motorcycle accident…what now?

We’re so sorry for your loss. Our clients who’ve been through this say they’re heartbroken, and we wish we could have changed this situation. Your loved one’s life mattered, and we’re committed to making sure everyone involved knows that. 


There isn’t just one victim in a fatal motorcycle accident in Atlanta…family and friends near and far are keenly aware of the void left in their lives when someone is unexpectedly and suddenly gone. If your family member has been killed because of someone else’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation. We’ll take your hand and explain everything slowly and gently so you can make the decision that honors your loved one.

I believe I want to work with you. What happens when you take my case?

We like to make things as simple as possible. We’ll meet on Zoom or at one of our offices for the initial consultation. We’ll listen to your story and ask questions to help us understand what happened and what it’s like for you right now. We’ll let you know what we think is possible in your case. And if you like what you hear, we’ll sign an agreement that keeps us informed of what our roles and responsibilities are as it pertains to your case.


Then we get things going with an investigation, looking at things like police reports, insurance limits, witness statements, any evidence like pictures or video, medical reports, and more. We’re going to get the most complete picture we can. In the meantime, we’ll expect you to follow all medical advice and get treatment for your injuries.


We’re also going to get in touch with the insurance companies and let them know we’re representing you. They’re supposed to talk to us rather than talking to you, so we’ll be in place to negotiate on your behalf.


Now, we’ve heard the public make comments like “my case is taking forever.” And we get the frustration of patience when it comes to these matters. The reality is, we’re giving your body the time he or she needs to heal. We want to ensure you’re trending toward maximum recovery, and we’re partnering with your providers to get your full story.


However, we’re also keeping an eye on important deadlines and legal requirements to keep in line with what the law provides. We’ll make sure you know when it’s time to take action.


But we can’t fight for you until you give us the green light…so call or text 770-LAWSUIT to schedule your free case consultation now. We’ll use our platform to make sure your story is heard.

don’t wait any longer

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